Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Disaster of Pompeii

I am working for C.S.I Miami and i shall be giving you the followinfg updates of my investigation.

In this blog i am going to talk about the disaster of Pompeii. I am going to look further into the disaster and see what happened.

It was around 24th of August79 ADwhen the disaster happened. The civillians in Pompeii did not even know what a volcano was back then so they had know idea what was going to happen. However they did know about tremors because it happened alot in Pompeii but they did not know it was because of volcanoes. So they wern't prepared.......Many people were to busy trading goods to notice what was happening.When Mount Vesuvius erupted it did nor release molten lava or firing rocks but what it did release was black smoke. Since people did not know what was happening they just watched in awe. Then the smoke drifted over Pompeii and blocked the sun. The smoke drifted 15km high into the sky. Day turns to night and crops are unable to grow. The smoke then mixes with th air high above in the sky, this creates a reaction where rocks fall out of the sky. If one of those stones hit you on the head you could die. People began to run away in terror trying to leave the city however some are trapped for numerous rasons.The people who are trapped are in trouble because the roofs arn't suppsed to withstand that much pressure.7 hours later almost all the houses are deserted. Then in a city calledOplontis the smoke spread to them aswell. They ran to the beach to look for help but no one came. Suddenly then the volcanoe blew out a massive wave of hot gas and ash and it was heading straight towards Oplontis. It hits Oplontis in a matter of seconds and kills people in its path instanley. The wave is so hot that it not just kills people but it makes their bones turn to charcoal.The reason why this happend is because the magma chamber collapsed.Now the same type of wave goes towards pompeii, luckily it dies down befor reaching the heart of the city.Since there is so much smoke people can't breath and they die from sufication.

I have recently uncovered many different artifacts and bodies. Some show that thet were quite wealthy like in this picture.I have also taken pictures of uncovered bodies.

I have surveyed the area of Pompeii and Mount Vesuvius and located where and how it basically happened.

I have found out throgh later research that Plini a person who loved to study nature actually boldly tried to rescue the people in Pompeii. Little did he know that when he got into the black smoke he could't see so he couldn't go back. His son wrote about what happened and this is hoew i got the infomation. Plini failed to rescue the civilians so he sailed to a city called Stabiae to rest. I have lane out a map to show you.

This research is highly classified so do give it out to anyone.

from, C.S.I MIAMI